01 Apr The CrossFit Open is Over: Where to Now?
I'm lost, the CrossFit Open is over and I don't know what to do with myself – the endless leader boarding, fear and anticipation of the live announcements (along with trying to guess Castro's poor clues), community and mateship and personal bests.. I will miss it all! Now that the 2016 Open is officially over it's time to take a step back reflect on what you achieved, how far you've come and what you need to do to improve next year. The next two weeks of programming will be a de-load, their will be no level two program, this is an opportunity to allow your body to fully recover and recharge from the beating it has taken over the last five week's of Open WODs – remember it is not sustainable to train that way all year round, that's why de-loads are so important. Following from this we will commence a new phase of training and programming where the focus will be on quality of movement – getting stronger, improving our skill base and maintaining a solid conditioning base. This is the time to really set some skill goals to achieve, remember we are always hear to help – come and ask for extra tips and tricks, and use Open gym time to work specific areas which might not be covered in class that day. During this period it's also a good time to set some other competitive goals (and remember these don't always have to be CrossFit related) – pick a date for a comp or event a couple of months in advance and use it as training motivation – try the GC marathon races, a local affiliate games day, an Olympic lifting comp etc. Use your fitness!